Access Sales-Trends of LiquorWine, and Beer in Texas Bars & Restaurants

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The TABS report has the most current information available. Our site is designed to receive sales data from the State Comptroller using an Application Programming Interface (API). No other provider of this data can publish it faster than the TABS report. You are seeing the information live and not updated monthly like other providers.

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With the click of a mouse or the touch of a screen, convert TABS reports into commonly used data files. ie. PDF, CSV and EXCEL.The TABS report gives you the power to produce a dynamic watch list report with the same ease.

Smartphones, Tablets, & Desktops

Responsive Web design has become an essential component for a digital presence. With practically the entire population carrying a smartphone or using tablets and other mobile computing devices, smaller screens are the wave of the future and the TABS report is riding that wave.Use a variety of search features including a custom watch list that you can easily create and the API will update the data automatically.

Powerful Location & Data Filtering

Search for Establishment NameStreet Name, and one of City or Zip Code. For example, search only the Establishment Name to find a specific Establishment. Or enter the Street Name and City to find all Establishments on a particular street in a given city. Report columns toggle from high to low sales figures.

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Sales Leads

New applications pending approval for restaurants and bars, and newly issued permits for restaurants and bars. Information is available in your account area, including establish name, Owner’s name, address, phone number (when available) and more. Newly issued permits are updated on the 1st and 15th of each month.

Instructional Videos

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Interactive Map View

Alternatively, view all searches using an interactive map-based view.

Keep Up With Your Competition

We source directly from the Texas State Comptroller so you can be confident that you have the most recent data available.


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